Hispanic Heritage Month: Highlighting P. Lea Martinez, MSU Giving September 15, 2023 - October 15, 2023
Our Daily Work/Our Daily Lives: Brown Bag Series: "Let Your Hammer Ring': The Legacy of Prison Labor in Black Folk Music" October 21, 2021
Our Daily Work/Our Daily Lives: Brown Bag Series: "Listening to the Voices of Guinness" October 5, 2021
Hispanic Heritage Month Annual Lecture: "One of Two Persons Added to U.S. Population is Latino: An Overview of the 2020 Census" September 29, 2021
CANCELLED: Dr. Marta Tienda: "Integration as Public Education Policy: Reflections on the Contours of Inequality" March 12, 2020
Friday Forum: "Getting Down to Business: How Neoliberalism is Eroding the Democratic Mission of K-12 Public Education" September 13, 2019
Friday Forum: "Academic Accountability, Computationalism, and Political Economy: The Future of Higher Education" October 12, 2018
Friday Forum: "Shared Governance in the Academy: How can faculty get (back) in the game?" September 14, 2018
JSRI Symposium Series: "Chicano Leadership at the Poor People's Campaign: May 12 - June 24, 1968" June 20, 2018
Affirmative Action 40 Years after Bakke: Addressing Equity through Policy and Practice April 26, 2018
JSRI Symposium Series: "The Perils of Illegal Entry: Arizona Border Crossings and the Humanitarian Response" March 21, 2018
Friday Forum: "Who Benefits? A Shift in Engagement from Public Good to Institutional Advancement" March 16, 2018
Friday Forum: "The Neoliberal Transformation of Australian Public Higher Education" February 16, 2018
Friday Forum: "Selling Truth to Power: Toward A Public-Interest Model of Sponsored Academic Engagement" October 13, 2017
Cities and the Economy, Smart Growth and Sustainability, and American Latinos and the Nation's Future October 11, 2017
JSRI Symposium Series: Identity as a Social Construction, 'Indigeneity for Box-checkers, and Miscellaneous Comments on Identiy Politics June 7, 2017
Friday Forum: "U.S. Militarism and Higher Education: Following the Money and the GWOT" April 21, 2017
Friday Forum: "Neoliberalism in Higher Education and Resistance in the (post) colonial context: Reflections on Palestine, Malawi, and Tanzania" March 17, 2017
Friday Forum: "Why I Resigned from Northwestern University's Medical School...and What It Tells Us about Academia Today" February 17, 2017
Friday Forum: "Rising Tuition and Weak State Funding Leads to Increasing Student Debt" February 10, 2017
NCERA- 216 Latino Focused Webinars: "At the Core and in the Margins: The Incorporation of Mexican Immigrants in two Rural Midwestern Communities" December 21, 2016
WSU Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies: 45th Anniversary & Gala Celebración September 16, 2016
JSRI Symposium Series: Sra. Juanita Montoya de Martinez/ Story to Her Grandson: The Rebellion of 1847 June 16, 2016
Dia de La Mujer Conference- No Más Bebés Film Screening: Engaging and Educating Through the Power of Documentary April 9, 2016