The information contained on these web pages is provided as a public service. Neither the JSRI nor Michigan State University endorses the prospective employers, employment opportunities, fellowships, scholarships, or grants. End users are encouraged to explore the opportunities on their own. All content is posted free, but may be edited for clarity. To submit items for posting, send the information as e-mail attachments, with contact verification and closing date to: jsamorai@msu.edu.
Community Bookshelf
JSRI is working with community authors to develop their unique voices as writers to tell stories about Latinos in the U.S.
Employment Opportunities
Employment opportunities, particularly in the education and public service fields, are posted free. The descriptions and information are provided by the employing agency and all questions or concerns should be addressed to them. Contact information, application procedures, and submission deadlines are provided as a courtesy.
You are encouraged to review other Michigan State University job postings at: http://careers.msu.edu
Latino News
This popular online news source provides current leads to recent stories that pertain or relate to the Latino audience at large. A sincere effort is made to provide news, not opinions, from reliable news outlets. The headline, author, web link, and the first four paragraphs of each story are provided as source information. Following the link takes readers to the originating news source. Use of this information should be attributable to the originating source; references should be included in educational publications. Other copyright regulations may apply.
Latino Organizations
Companies, agencies, and institutions are highlighted in this section. The unit itself provides the information. Most have some relevance, as supporters, employers, or public service providers, to the Latino audience we serve.