Bringing Anthropology Home: Latina/o Students, Ethnographic Research, and U.S. Rural Communities


Victor Garcia

Document Id: OC-57

This paper addresses the low and stagnant number of “new” Chicano and other U.S.-based Latino doctorates in anthropology and some of the reasons behind this poor showing. The paper identifies impediments to increasing the number of Latino anthropology doctorates, including low numbers of Latinos entering undergraduate programs, the absence of Latino populations in course curricula, and the small number of Latino faculty or non-Latino faculty who specialize in U.S.-based Latino populations. An approach to the study of anthropology that makes the student an active participant in her/his training is presented as a possible solution to the low number of Latino anthropologists. This effective method of preparing prospective anthropologists is a key component of the Palerm School of Anthropology in Mexico. This school, now in California, has produced many doctorates in Mexico and an increasing number of Latino and non-Latino Ph.D.’s in the U.S.

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