External Faculty Affiliates

Nabih Haddad
Dr. Nabih Haddad is a visiting fellow at Harvard University. His research interests include higher education philanthropy, social change strategies, fundraising, financial feasibility, and student success for underserved and underrepresented communities. In his work, he has explored the role of foundations in nonprofit advocacy and the impact of funders on social change with a social justice-informed approach. His dissertation modeled the social change strategies of major foundations in the college completion agenda, drawing on descriptive and inferential statistics, social network analysis, and semi-structured interviews to examine foundation-led strategies. (For an overview of his research, see here: https://nabihhaddad.com/current-research/ .)
During his time at Michigan State University, he contributed to an Andrew Mellon Foundation-funded evaluation study regarding the impact of postdoctoral appointments on career outcomes, providing policy and program recommendations. At the University of Michigan- Ann Arbor, as a postdoctoral research fellow, he worked on The Michigan Doctoral Experience Study (MDES), an ongoing study of the Ph.D. student experiences at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. MDES is one of the few quantitative studies capturing socialization processes. Now, in his role at Harvard, he is extending his prior work into applied and theoretical research, namely planning and conducting fundraising feasibility analysis, managing processes and guidelines for working with fundraising and academic partners, and diversifying prospect pipelines. Moreover, he is currently exploring the mechanisms needed to elevate the needs and concerns of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) to the attention of philanthropic agencies, which can offer support by informing policies and practices for future funding strategies.