The IUPLR/JSRI Census Information Center (CIC) is a partnership between the U.S. Census Bureau, the Inter-University Program for Latino Research (IUPLR), and the Julian Samora Research Institute (JSRI).  The goal of the IUPLR/JSRI CIC program is to provide Latino and other underserved local communities and IUPLR centers and institutes information on Census Bureau reports and training and technical assistance opportunities on data that can used for research planning and decision-making processes.  The objectives of the IUPLR/JSRI CIC program are:

  1. Dissemination of information from the Census Bureau along with related data on Latino communities and other underserved communities, data users and IUPLR centers.
    • Dissemination methods will include links on the JSRI website to Census Bureau data such as the American Community Survey and Decennial Censuses, Census Bureau statistical profiles, and other components of the Census Bureau’s data dissemination network (e.g., State Data Centers, Business and Industry Data Centers, Census Bureau Regional Offices, Federal Depository Libraries, Census Depository Libraries, and Census website).
    • Dissemination will also include links to relevant research reports published and made available by either the U.S. Census Bureau or JSRI, including JSRI’s newsletter (NEXO), webinars, and community presentations and workshops.
  2. Provision of information on technical assistance opportunities by the Census Bureaus to data users.
    • Provide interpretations and explanations of what Census Bureau data mean for local communities and neighborhoods.
    • Package Census Bureau data in ways (e.g., fact sheets, visualizations, apps, and briefs) that make the data understandable and appropriate for constituents’ planning and use.
    • Provide local data users with limited knowledge of Census Data and identify the appropriate data for their needs.
  3. Support outreach, promotion and recruitment efforts associated with Census Bureau census and surveys [e.g., the American Community Survey (ACS), the Economic and Decennial Censuses, and Other Census Bureau surveys].
  4. Review, evaluate, and provide feedback on Census Bureau products, programs, and services.
  5. Highlight the IUPLR/JSRI CIC program on the JSRI website by providing links web applications and data tools on the Census Bureau website.
  6. Participate in Census Bureau sponsored training, webinars, virtual and annual conferences.
  7. Submit produced reports using Census Bureau data and the IUPLR/JSRI CIC annual report to Customer Liaison and Marketing Services Office (CLMSO).